Friday, June 15, 2007

kids say the darndest things...

so, i went to get my transmission serviced today, since i've been driving like a maniac lately.

the place i go is sort of a family business. there was a little boy climbing all over the desk. he was highly entertaining, even if it did distract me from my copy of Road&Track. his dad works there and his grandpa owns the place, he didn't have a babysitter, so he was playing in the lobby/office area. the receptionist was sort of keeping an eye on him, but basically he was just there goofing around and playfully harassing the customers. watch out, i'm gonna zoom this [toy motorcycle] over there. hey, if you want another magazine i can get you one. are you sure? it looks boring. what kind of car do you drive? oh. why do you like lexus? i hate lexus. i like chevy. and yeah-maha. true story. i asked YAW-ma-ha, and he said, "NO. yee-AH-ma-ha." he probably says fark instead of fork too. haha!

but, still a great place. faster than they said and cheaper than i expected.
check it out... J&M's transmission clinic. 855 S Univ Ave Provo, east side of the street, on the south end of the auto/industrial area by the bridge.

and when the kid doesn't have a babysitter it comes with free entertainment!

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