Wednesday, August 22, 2007

leader of the pack

so, yesterday this kid sits next to me at this meeting after class and asks, "so, how's the gang?" yes, apparently i am the ringleader of a female law school gang. really it started i think with me and these two girls melissa and katherine, who all met last week during orientation. katherine and i have all six of our classes together, and most of them are with a couple other girls, one of whom our contracts professor kept calling jennifer, even though her name is really stephanie, and the other is named ayanna...yes she's black*, and you say it like this: ah-YAH-nuh...anyway, that's the core of the gang...sometimes other people come along to lunch or to study or whatever...we're a rather open kind of gang. and apparently i am the leader of this gang. katherine says it's because i talk the most. i probably do. oh well. really it's just that they think i'm funny because i'm a mormon-wannabe-skank. only they laugh cuz i'm too mormon and not skanky enough to be much of anything except silly and entertaining :D

we've been discussing grades amongst ourselves quite a bit the past few days. all of our classes are curved...those of us who are on scholarship need at least a 2.75 to keep it...but if you fall to a 2.3 you're on academic probation...dang...that whole thing about C's getting degrees isn't true in law school... C's get you kicked out of school. dang. but like i told the gang, i'm planning on being smarter than the average person. hopefully i'll have some leadership skills when it comes to the curve too. haha!

* my friend cory would probably say that this is our token minority; that way if we should suddenly find ourselves in the middle of a horror flick, we'll know who's going to die first. how horrible! actually, she's pretty smart, and i'm hoping that as law school slowly becomes more and more like a horror flick that she'll manage to stay alive, since we'll probably need her.

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