Wednesday, August 29, 2007

fish is bad

our neighbor brought us some smoked trout. i'm generally not a fan of fish (if you know about my aversion to salmon you should know why), but g'ma said i should just try a little bit. so, she cut me a little piece, maybe 1 in x 1 in and 1/8 in thick...little, little piece... i ate it. it was good. felt fine. figured my problem must just be a salmon thing. ate dinner (no more fish though...corn, zucchini, some beans, and hawaiian sweet bread...yum). then went back to studying...
about three hours later i start feeling somewhat nauseated. laid down on the couch for a bit. got up, but felt worse and went into the bathroom...few minutes later flushed my dinner down the toilet. g'ma felt really bad.
i really need to learn my lesson and quit eating fish. even just little, little bits. ugh.

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