Wednesday, March 7, 2007

chronicles of a klutz

stairs are commonly a dangerous thing when i'm the one walking on them, as many of you have witnessed. sometimes also the sidewalk. my roommates agreed that my right foot when compared to the left has become noticeably discolored and swollen, and i have now been consigned to follow some acronym which i can't remember, but which means: quit trying to limp around and put cold packs on it. i'm hoping that by friday i'll be in better shape, because irene molloy has no understudy...eek!
so it looks to be an exciting day on the couch for me. and look! now i've got alliteration and rhyming!

have no fear! after a day of following aforementioned unknown acronym, it seems like most everything in my ankle has popped back to where it came from, and i can walk pretty well. putting a shoe on hurt like a bee-atch the first couple times, but luckily i keep necessary items like athletic tape on hand, and if i can make it through work tonight, then i am confident that tomorrow's show won't be too dangerous.

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