Monday, September 24, 2007


sigh...i just deleted over 2/3 of my messenger contacts. i never talk to them so i figured, what's the point? i think i need to do the same on my phone. why do i have all these numbers of people i never call? so i'll recognize the number if they call me i guess, but how often does that happen? not very... but this leads me to a bigger question... what is the difference between a friend who you never talk to, and a person with whom you are no longer friends? i've been in WA going to law school for six weeks now, and inevitably this has changed my social interactions in a variety of ways. but even when i was still in provo i recognized the fact that sometimes people just sort of drift away. someone moves, or gets married, and suddenly someone who was once a part of your daily life isn't anymore. you meet new people, and life goes on. social circles shift and change, and that's a part of life. but for me this has always been sad, and sometimes really hard to deal with. doing this deleting is hard because it's like admitting that i'm not friends with them anymore. a couple of people i've met here who are now my friends on facebook have commented to me about how i have so many facebook friends...about 350 or something now, and that it's amazing because 99% of them are people i know in real life. *sigh* but very few of them are people i'm actually in contact with, even just on facebook. i'm trying really hard to not feel lonely, and remember that i have friends, but when the list of lost friends seems so much longer then the list of people who are actually in my life it makes me really sad. i is busy...i don't have time for everyone anyway...i guess i just wish that i felt like it bothered any of them as much as it bothers me...

1 comment:

Chillygator said...

I decided people get to stop being Facebook friends when I no longer care what they're doing in their lives. (Of course this is the ideal. I'm always afraid I'll hurt someones feelings by taking them off)

Numbers, though, I never delete. I have a lot of boys in there I never want to accidentally speak to again (o: