Thursday, October 16, 2008

like whoa...

today at work i saw something totally awesome. crazy, i know. we were in a meeting. that makes it even crazier, right? in the conference room. there is this white board where we were writing ideas for training and refreshers that would be helpful, and when we had written them...this is the amazing part...they turned on this thing, and the white board like scrolled around and this little printer at the bottom printed out a page of what was written on the board. and, incidentally, it revealed the other side where whatever from the last meeting was written. but i seriously had no idea that things like that existed. it was so cool. not like crazy hi-tech, just like, oh my gosh, who made that up and why have i never seen that before? it was pretty awesome. at least the other new girl and i thought so. everyone else just seemed to be amused that we were so excited.

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