Monday, January 21, 2008


i was driving to a fireside tonight and i decided that if i could pick a super-power it would be to be able to sense the emotions of the people around me.
i used to think that invisibility or telepathy would be the most useful, and if i were extra-super cool then i would happily add one or both of those to the mix, but to be able to feel would be the best. you'd know who needed your help and if you actually made some kind of difference. you'd know if when someone said they were "fine" or "just tired" if they really meant it, or if they were hiding some terrible hurt that they thought no one could understand. you could see through all the words and actions that people hide behind, all the sarcasm and jokes and half-truths. no more asking important questions and being sidestepped, because you wouldn't have to ask: "are we really friends," "am i wasting my/your time," or "do you mind" less misunderstanding, less wondering, less loose ends. i feel like my life has too many unanswered questions, but if i have to go on living without asking them or without having them properly answered, it would be so much easier if i could just feel a little bit more clearly...
or maybe it wouldn't matter...because how would i ever separate them from my own? maybe that's the whole problem...if i don't trust my own feelings, how much good would it be to understand anyone else's?
haha...once again, i've overridden my own answers with another pile of questions...

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