Thursday, May 15, 2008


new blog design to go with the new me.

the new me is 7 lbs lighter than she was two weeks ago. partly due to the fact that the end of law school has allowed me the time and attention to get into my new eating and exercise regimen with renewed vigor; and partly because when i kicked it off i was retaining water like a beast. gross, i know, but i'm a woman and that's just how it goes sometimes. i have to live with it, why shouldn't you? (that was rhetorical, so forget whatever comment you might be coming up with...)

life is funny. we all know this. never goes how you expect. but i've been having quite a few pleasant surprises lately. you may notice that along with the revamp i got rid of the quiz about what i'm gonna do if (when) i quit law school. although i appreciate the suggestions, it seems that the most likely plan is currently: moving to seattle with starting pay double what i'm getting here in spokane. this will hopefully allow me to hook it up with the person who has recently caused a severe increase in my telephone usage... let's call him "DP." i'm not sure just yet if he tastes as good as dr.p, but he looks good enough to taste, and i'm planning on gettin it done in the next couple weeks. ;) this plan of course means that i have to make it past my next interview with flying colors, but at this point i'm feeling pretty hopeful, since i already passed the prelim evaluation and the skills test... only time will tell...

in the meantime i'm jamba-in' it up at the shadle safeway. that may not mean much to anyone, but i discovered today that although i have been referring to it derisively as my "crappy back-up" i couldn't help but pitch in and help with some dishes today when i didn't have to and i was freakishly excited to make some customer recommendations... i can't help it. i'm an official jamba nerd. unfortunately, the non-real jamba status of this particular location means NO FREE SHIFT MEAL and NO EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT, which was rather disappointing. did i say rather? gah...

still...i'm feeling pretty perky...hence the pink/purple motif i've got goin on here...

oh, and shout out to bismark: i was chattin it up with DP the other night and he mentioned that his fancy razor wasn't good enough for him, so he'd given it to a friend, who was taking him to some special shaving place to pay him back. i thought of you of course. tried to tell him that i understand shaving fetishes cuz "i have this friend..." but i don't think he believed that i could even begin to understand and just kind of cut me off... i laughed.

1 comment:

Yo' Mama said...

I love it all. I love that you sound so happy! And I love that you are going to be getting you some refreshing bubbly sweet Docta Peppa!

So Washington eh? The state will be lucky to have you! You can go visit Cadie (sp?) sometime!