Friday, November 2, 2007

3 months...

this kid at school yesterday was talking about planning his career, and i said something about not wanting to do that... he suggested that i just quit school and get my "M.R.S." degree, like his fiancee. i heard that plenty at byu, but figured that my failure to get it during my seven years in provo showed that it wasn't a very realistic option for me. that's why i'm in law school to begin with, right?

someone told me when i moved here that i'd be engaged in three months... only a couple weeks until that deadline... possible, but not likely... give it another three and we'll see... sometimes the way travis talks makes me wonder... you might all be invited to a big party this summer... ha! ridiculous...

of course, that kid at school got a D on our contracts midterm, and i got a B... if you can get a B with a bell curve you're doing pretty well i'd say... so maybe the whole "quit school and get married" suggestion just means he's trying to get rid of some of the competition...

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