Saturday, June 28, 2008

last hurrah

so, i'm moving in the morning. it finally became real today as i packed up the car. chilled with ma' grilz 2nite. rather calm actually... got some jambas, went to a park, played on the swings, made a little clover-chain bracelet, went to jody's (where she's house-sitting anyway) and watched the middle/end of the BBC jane eyre - the good one with timothy dalton. yes, i cried. i always do... it's a little melodramatic (fine, a lot) but there are some good lines! returned travis's hat that i mistakenly wore home the other night so he can get it back from them. when i got home and walked in my room i was a little surprised. it's so empty looking! like, i was moving things out all day, so i saw it, but to walk in after being gone a while and have it not look the way i'm used to it looking made it seem a lot more final: i'll be gone in the morning. weird. but good weird. i'm ready for things to change. not like they're bad here with g'ma and the jj's, but it's time. i feel good.

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